Gif gay men cruising

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'If you have any information, please contact the police, Crimestoppers or the LGBT+ charity, Galop. 'We are making sure that LGBT+ issues are addressed in the investigation of this tragic death as well as the wider police response regarding safety in Tower Hamlets and the whole of London. 'Ranjith's s family are devastated, and your information could help us bring them justice.'ĭerek Lee, of the LGBT+ Advisory Group, said: 'We are a voluntary group of independent advisors working closely with the local police, local council and the homicide team on this case. Have you seen someone in the park or area who was acting suspiciously? It is imperative that you tell us what you know. 'I need anyone who has information to contact us immediately. 'We will stop at nothing to bring justice to Ranjith's family, who have been left devastated following this awful incident. Local residents said that the graveyard (above) was well known as a 'cruising' spot for gay men, but gangs of youths had also been gathering there during lockdownĭetective Superintendent Pete Wallis, of the Met's Specialist Crime Command, said: 'My officers are working 24/7 with local colleagues and drawing from resources across the Met.

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